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2013 July Minutes
Salem Park & Recreation Commission

Salem Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 6:45pm
Meeting Location:       5 Broad Street
Members Present:        Vice Chair Chris Burke, Bob Callahan, Leslie Tuttle and Amy Everitt
Members Absent: Chair James Shea
Others Present: Karen Partanen, Department of Parks and Recreation, Gregory Richard, Paul Boudreau, Monica Nybo, Natanel Valenzuela
Recorder:       Marsha Finkelstein

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting is called to order by Vice Chairman Burke at 6:49pm

Approval of June minutes

Callahan motions to approve and Everitt seconds.  Burke wants to adjust the language on the BB guns.  Subject to those changes, passes unanimously.


Gregory Richard – BGC Golf Passes

Submitted a proposal for 7 junior passes for kids at the Boys & Girls Club.  He volunteers there.  Danvers Ferncroft Golf Club offered these discount passes and he’s asking for 7 because the kids get full equipment and gear.  He’s aware that because of the distance and to get some passes to the Old Salem Greens to take advantage of the local course.

Tuttle asked what’s cost of junior golf pass. Callahan replied it was $150.

Callahan motioned to issue 7 youth golf passes and Everitt seconds.

Burke asked who chooses the kids and Richard replied that it’s the number of kids currently involved.

Callahan responded that this is a trial basis and will make a big difference if/when this offered in the future.  All for this program and it’s on the kids to make sure it works moving forward.

Richard responded that they’re teaching the kids golf etiquette.

Passes unanimously.

Paul Boudreau - CycloCross

Following up with a meeting with Mayor Driscoll for an event on Sept 27the and 28th 2013.  Part of the Willows and some of the areas of Fort Lee that would be cleared out.  Spoke to Councilor McCarthy.  Goal is to keep activity and noise away from Fort Lee residences.  Course would be from there along the water and along Camp Naumkeag.  Boudreau met with Troy Campbell to get his business perspective.  Callahan asked if this is on the streets.  Callahan stated that the Commission can only give permits for the parks.  Boudreau added that there will not be any food vendors because they don’t want to take business away from the Willows.  Callahan asked why they’re moving the event from Gloucester to Salem.  Boudreau responded that it was because they wanted to expand and improve the event.

Tuttle wants to know more about the details of the event.  Boudreau explained that it’s an on/off street event similar to mountain biking.  Everett asked how the event impact the turf and Boudreau stated that they will use the turf area minimally.

Burke as about the organization running the event and Boudreau responded that is it incorporated and operates under as a nonprofit.

Tuttle asked how many people are expected and Boudreau responded that almost every hour there’s a race

Burke asked where the profits from the event goes and Boudreau replied that they’re hoping just to break even and he hopes to attract racers from all over America and other parts of the world with most of the expenses going to prizes.

Dan Schulman added that this event is similar to the Witches Cup event run in August.

Burke asked Councilor McCarthy what he knew and McCarthy replied that he’s recently become aware and is concerned about parking and crowd control and about Fort Lee being a historical and archeological site.  McCarthy also added that he appreciates their willingness to fix the trails.  

Callahan stated that he thinks Fort Lee doesn’t come under Park & Rec because it’s public property.

McCarthy stated he believes Park & Rec has jurisdiction over Fort Lee.

Burke added that there’s a method for approving road races and asked if the City Council going to be involved in this.

McCarthy replied that some of the off-site parking plan has to be in place before City Council approval will be given.  

Burke stated that there is a set method for approving road races and since this isn’t a road race, the City Council has to address this.

McCarthy replied that he has to get the details sorted out including police, parking, etc.

Burke added that he was not opposed to using The Willows, but they still have to get the other permissions.

Callahan stated that they can only give permission for parks for the event and that the road race goes to the police department and the City Council gets the last word on that.  

Boudreau replied that he’s been trying to get in touch with the right person. Callahan suggested he talk with Partanen, who responded that she’ll get him in touch with the right person.

Tuttle is concerned about the historical aspect.

Dan Cooper (in audience) – asked questions about the course and Fort Lee.

Boudreau asked if they wanted to know about port-a-potties.

Callahan replied that those logistics go through Partanen.

Burke stated that he believes that Fort Lee is under Park & Rec.

McCarthy added that he likes the idea, but still concerned about Fort Lee and The Willows lot and that there’s usually a flag football game played there. He asked Partanen if there’s a permit use of the field by the players and she said no.  So, there would not be a need to get one, but would be important to inform the flag football players in advance about the event.

Partanen explained that she was not sure she could get the information/answers Boudreau needs to confirm the event.

Callahan added that he likes the concept and suggests they plan it a year in advance and get it through all the city boards and City Council and that right now it’s only 2 months away and that makes it very tough for Boudreau.

Callahan motions to table it once Boudreau comes back with a more definitive date and a plan for parking, etc.  

Everitt asked if Boudreau doesn’t get the Salem site what would he do.

Callahan withdrawals motion.

Tuttle asked if Boudreau could re-route the course. Suggested he use the park between Camp Naumkeag and Head Horse Beach.

Erin Bennett (in audience): Historical site and mapping of the area. All those trails and the historical dig can be skirted.

Partanen added that she can get him in touch with Jane Guy.

Burke stated that we can give the ok with the possibility if may get denied.

Callahan motions to approve the use of the parks for this race, pending approval of the other commissions and the City Council. 2nd by Everitt.  Passes unanimously.

Everitt requested Boudreau return in August with a full plan for the event.

Monica Nybo – American Cancer Society Bark for Life Event

Wants to do a Bark for Life for the American Cancer Society.  Partanen stated that on September 7th there is a cycle for life that goes through Salem.  Nybo is ok with it.  Burke asked if it this was the first time and Nybo said it’s the 2nd.  Callahan asked about the number of people expected and Nybo said it would be about 100+.  Callahan asked about port-a-potties.  

Everitt motions to approve and Callahan seconds.  Passes unanimously.

Ken Steadman – Bartlet Steadman Co. Inc – Witch Hill Development

Purchased the land in 2004 and planned to put in a park. At that time, it wasn’t definite.  As the approvals (phase 1) came in and the economy slowed down, so did the project. Has 10 houses now.  Part of the approvals included putting in the park – 45 x 75, which was all they had left.  The families in the area have a lot of young children and they’re looking at turning it into more of a young kid’s park with a 4 swing set and a basketball area and play area.  Open to ideas.  Apologized to commission for not coming earlier.

Callahan stated that Steadman donated the land to the city and wanted to develop it.  Steadman responded that he was going to use the other lot to create another park.

Burke stated that he was happy to know this park was happening and added that the agreement was made as part of a negotiation with the City. Burke also stated that what you’re planning to put in in does seem to fit into the plan.  Steadman responded that he scaled it out.  

Burke stated that seems like what Steadman is doing is cheaper and Steadman responded that having a half-court basketball court will leave a smaller amount of area.

Burke asked about DiBiase Park.

Partanen asked about the trails, which would be maintained by the Neighborhood Association and cutting a trail that connects.

Burke asked where Steadman would anticipate where the trail would go and Steadman responded that there is a path that goes through – a natural path.

Burke asked if there will there be a path to the 2 parks and Steadman replied that there will be.

Burke stated that there was no street address yet and asked it’s possible to drive to it because he wants to go there. Steadman replied that there was and clarified the location on the map.

Tuttle asked if one of the swings will be handicapped accessible and Steadman said it would be.

Burke has the land been deeded to Park & Rec?

Partanen responded that it has to wait to everything is done and the park has been accepted.

Tuttle motions to accept the park as proposed and Everitt seconds.  Burke requests to amend the motion to ensure a connecting trail to both parks.  Tuttle accepts the amendment.  Passes unanimously.

Nataniel Venezuela – Discounted Golf Pass

Lived in Salem for 3 years is he’s looking for authorization for a golf pass.  

Callahan stated that he read the letter and commented that even with the challenges; he needs to find a way to pay the fee.  Callahan also stated that the golf course has to make money and suggested Venezuela apply for a job at the course since all employees play for free.

Burke asked Partanen if there are any positions at the course still open and she confirmed that there is 1 more position still available.  

Burke if we were do the volunteer thing, there might be a problem with insurance. Partanen replied that it was up to the Golf Superintendent.  He also added that there is a risk in okaying this.  And, at on the other hand, this is the first time this has ever been done.  He’d give the Golf Superintendent the decision to ok it or not.

Tuttle likes the idea of volunteering, especially since bittersweet removal is such a huge need.  

Everitt added that if we do this, it would have to be up to the Golf Superintendent.

Tuttle motions to allow a discounted golf pass (same as college rate) in exchange for volunteering hours to TBD by Golf Superintendent. Partanen added that only if he can take on additional volunteers. Second by Everitt.  Callahan stated he is opposed. Passes by 3-1.

Burke recommends Venezuela talk to Partanen then hopefully to Golf Superintendent.

Superintendent’s Report

Review Monthly Revenue

Callahan moves to accept the reports as written. Second by Tuttle.  Passes unanimously.

Pool Party-Forest River

Was ok. Not as well attended due to weather.  Another one in August is scheduled.

Movie Night

Went fine.

Staffing Report

There were some issues about weather and parents calling the Mayor’s office. This has been resolved and Partanen has made it clear that life guards are required to work their full 35 hours if they want to get paid for those hours.

Parks & Facility

BB gun rules

Burke - No paint ball without superintendent’s permission.  Wants to make it the same with BB guns.

Callahan motions that BB guns are only permitted on park property with the Superintendent’s permission.  Second by Tuttle.  Passes unanimously.

Partanen added that she has gotten a lot of complaints about charcoal grills.  

Callahan replied that it’s the not charcoal grills that are the problem; it’s what’s left behind that’s the problem.

Partanen responded that the police need some type of rule so they can enforce it

The Commission discussed that this is a challenge.  Callahan suggested there be “Charcoal Only” barrels for people to dispose of their charcoal.

CPA Committee

Tuttle reported that they’ve had 3 meetings and that the money can’t be spent until next year. Will have $450k and all of the boards have to start thinking about what they want to spend money on.  Tuttle sent to Partanen it can be historic resources, recreation/open space and community housing.  Each year 30% of the funds must be allocated—10% to each of the three categories of open space, historic preservation, and community housing. The remaining 70% may be allocated to any of the above categories plus to recreation.

For recreation, it’s basically capital improvements/investments.  There’s a chart that shows how it can be spent.  It’s suggested that Partanen do a status update on the status of the parks.  The Mayor is interested in hiring a consultant to do that and there’s money in the CPA to do just that.  Norwell has done what the Mayor is interesting in doing.

Everitt added that 70% is competitive and the City Council has the final say.

New Business


Adjournment at 8:16pm

Next Meeting August 20, 2013